Theme: Regulatory Acceptance and Global Harmonization
S403 Monday Aug 28 9:00-10:30 am
Advancements and Opportunities in the Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of Acute Toxicity Tests, Chairs: Fiona Sewell & Glenn Myatt
#387 Evaluation of an in silico model for predicting pesticide acute oral toxicity, Patricia Bishop, The Humane Society of the United States
Theme: Next-Gen Education
S413 Monday Aug 28 11:00–12:30
An Auspicious Outreach Plan for Adverse Outcome Pathways in Higher Education, Chairs: Jessica Ponder & Dalma Martinovic
#727 “Adverse Outcome Pathways:” a perfect framework on which to build a thesis. Catherine Willett
Theme: Regulatory Acceptance and Global Harmonization
S400 Monday Aug 28 14:00–16:00
Adversity Reinvented: Non-Animal Frameworks for Predictive & Protective Decision-Making
Co-chairs: Donna Macmillan and Patience Browne (OECD)
#359 Development of a non-animal Integrated Approach to Testing and Assessment for Acute Aquatic Toxicity in Classification and Labelling. Donna Macmillan
Theme: Human-Centered Biomedical Research
S437 Monday Aug 28 14:00–16:00
Challenging the Status Quo: Roadmap to Accelerate Transition to Animal-Free Research
Co-chairs: Helder Constantino, Jarrod Bailey (Animal Free Research UK)
#729 Using a standardized tool to assess the translational (ir)relevance of animal models. Bianca Marigliani
#707 What policy and science tools are needed to effectively transition away from animal models. Helder Constantino
Theme: 21st Century Predictive Toxicology
S452 Tuesday Aug 29 9:00–10:30
On the Runway: Interactive Predictive Tox Models, Chairs: David Reif & Sunil Kulkarni
#358 Using OECD QSAR Toolbox to support chemical safety assessment in regulatory applications. Donna Macmillan
Theme: Regulatory Acceptance and Global Harmonization
S411 Tuesday Aug 29 9:00-10:30
A Decade of Progress: Lessons from Animal-Free Cosmetics Policy Worldwide. Co-chairs: Aviva Vetter, Erin Hill (ICCS)
#602 Dissemination of Science: Animal-Free Safety Assessment (AFSA) Master Class. Gavin Maxwell, Catherine Willett
#755 The legislative and advocacy road to reform. Aviva Vetter
S409 Tuesday Aug 29 14:00–16:00
Warp-Speed Replacement? Remaining Challenges in Vaccine and Biologics Batch Testing. Co-chairs: Laura Viviani (SciEthiQ, Switzerland), Elliot Lilley (NC3Rs UK)
#140 Why are we at a turning point in implementing and accepting non animal testing for vaccines batch release testing? Successes and remaining global challenges in the field. Laura Viviani
Unilever Sponsored Event: #UseScienceNotAnimals World Cafe: highlighting Next-Gen Education
Tuesday Aug 29 17:30-19:30
AFSA presenting
Hall C
Wednesday August 30
Theme: Ethics, Welfare, Policies, and Regulations
S430: Wednesday Aug 30 8:00–9:30
Science for policy, policy for science: engaging policy makers to advance science and ethics, Chairs: Mikalah Singer & Erin Hill
#322 Critical Dialogue for Evolving NAM Support and Policy in South Korea, Borami Seo
#635 Public policy: a key to driving scientific innovation and protecting animals, Kathleen Conlee, The Humane Society of the United States
Theme: Next-Gen Education
S418 (Symposium) Wednesday Aug 30 9:00 – 10:30
It’s How You Say It! Effective Science Communication to Promote Animal Replacement
#523 Misinformation, disinformation, hyperbole, and exaggeration: communicating the truth in the fake news era, Lindsay Marshall, The Humane Society of the United States
Theme: Ethics, Welfare, Policies, and Regulations
S431 (Workshop): Wednesday Aug 30 11:00-12:30
Industry, Regulators, and Human Health: Whose Onus to Defend Animal Data?
Chairs: Harald Schlatter & Mike Wade
Panelists: Gavin Maxwell or Carl Westmoreland, Unilever / Nicole Kleinstreuer, NICEATM / Troy Seidle, Humane Society International / Jeane-Lou Dorne, EFSA / Yad Bhuller, Health Canada / Angela Hofstra or Doug Wolf, Syngenta
Monday August 28 12:30 – 14:00
245 Shaarika Sarasija
Title: An integrative approach to develop NAMs for use in Alzheimer’s disease research
Session: Challenging the Status Quo: Roadmap to Accelerate Transition to Animal-Free Research
Theme: Human-Centred Biomedical Research
Tuesday August 29 11:00 – 12:30
730 Antoniana Ottoni, Bianca Marigliani, Aviva Vetter
Title: Brazil approaches the cosmetics animal testing ban: the argument for a federal bill
Session: A decade of progress toward animal-free safety assessment and cosmetics policy worldwide
Theme: Regulatory Acceptance & Global Harmonization
731 Bianca Marigliani
Title: Safety assessment of toys and school supplies in Brazil: moving away from animal testing
Session: Science for policy, policy for science: engaging policymakers to advance science and ethics
Theme: Ethics, welfare, policies, and regulations
Monday August 28
Theme: Regulatory Acceptance and Global Harmonization
S403 Monday Aug 28 9:00–10:30
Advancements and Opportunities in the Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of Acute Toxicity Tests, Chairs: Fiona Sewell & Glenn Myatt
#508 Evaluating New Approach Methodologies for use in Next Generation Risk Assessment Alistair Middleton, Unilever
S400 Monday Aug 28 14:00–16:00
Adversity Reinvented: Non-Animal Frameworks for Predictive & Protective Decision-Making
#381 Tiered approaches for next generation risk assessment (NGRA) of chemicals: Two case studies Maria Teresa Baltazar, Safety and Environmental Assurance Centre, Unilever
Theme: Next-Gen Education
S416 Monday Aug 28 11:00-2:30
Replacement at the Forefront – Implementing Animal Free Science Education
#604 Accelerating the Transition to Animal-Free Safety Assessment: what can we learn from the Cosmetics Animal Testing bans? Gavin Maxwell, SEAC, Unilever
Theme: 21st Century Predictive Toxicology
S455 Monday Aug 28 9:00-10:30
Progress in Quantifying Adverse Outcome Pathways to Support Next Generation Risk Assessment
#512 The Role of qAOPs in Exposure-Led NGRA: Benefits and Limitations Alistair Middleton, Unilever
S450 Monday Aug 28 14:00–16:00
New Approach Methods for Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity Testing
#517 Practical Application of New Approach Methods in Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity (DART) Testing Iris Muller, Unilever, Safety and environmental assurance centre
Evening Plenary Monday Aug 28, Starting 17:00
Predictive Toxicology Theme – Industry Perspectives on NAMs in Practice, with Gladys Ouédraogo
Tuesday August 29
Theme: Regulatory Acceptance and Global Harmonization
S411 Tuesday Aug 29 9:00-10:30
A Decade of Progress: Lessons from Animal-Free Cosmetics Policy Worldwide
#602 Dissemination of Science: Animal-Free Safety Assessment (AFSA) Education and Training modules Gavin Maxwell, SEAC, Unilever
Evening Plenary Tuesday Aug 29, Starting 17:00
Next-Gen Education Theme – To be delivered by Next-Gen researchers, hosted by Unilever
Wednesday August 30
Theme: Regulatory Acceptance and Global Harmonization
S410 Wednesday Aug 30 11:00-12:30
NAMs in Practice: Fit-for-Purpose NGRA Across Sectors
#361 EPAA Project: Use of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) in regulatory decisions for chemical safety Carl Westmoreland, Unilever, SEAC
Thursday August 31
Theme: 21st Century Predictive Toxicology
S459 Thursday Aug 31 9:00-10:30
What’s New in Skin Sensitzaton?
#600 The SARA-ICE Model for Predicting Skin Sensitizer Potency Gavin Maxwell, SEAC, Unilever
Tuesday August 29
Theme: Regulatory Acceptance and Global Harmonization
S411 Tuesday Aug 29 9:00-10:30
A Decade of Progress: Lessons from Animal-Free Cosmetics Policy Worldwide
#385 Building confidence in NGRA and milestones achieved in terms of acceptance, incl. dialogue with SCCS Gladys Ouedraogo
Wednesday August 30
Theme: 21st Century Predictive Toxicology
S454 Wednesday Aug 30 14:00-16:00
Predictive Toxicology: Data, Development, Delivery, and Application
#380 Building confidence in the use of new approach methodologies for decision-making: the homosalate case study Gladys Ouédraogo, L’Oréal R&I
Thursday August 30
S459 Thursday Aug 31 9:00-10:30
What’s New in Skin Sensitization?
#690 Towards NGRA: Skin Sensitization blazes a trail Nathalie Alepee, L’Oréal
Wednesday August 30
Theme: 21st Century Predictive Toxicology
S453 Wednesday Aug 30 9:00-10:30
New Approaches to Genotoxicity Testing and Risk Assessment
#307 Rat liver S9 incorporation into the Reconstructed Skin Micronucleus assay to address scenarios of systemic metabolism Stefan Pfuhler, Procter & Gamble
S457 Wednesday August 30 11:00-12:30
Advances in NAMs for EcoTox Testing & Risk Assessment, Part 2: Computational Tools and Frameworks
#69 Leveraging big data & distribution approaches for environmental risk assessment Kristin Connors, The Procter & Gamble Company